

Uveitis services offered in Fairfax, VA

Uveitis is a common eye health issue that requires prompt treatment. For residents of Fairfax, Virginia, and the surrounding region, board-certified ophthalmologist Mehrine Shaikh, MD, is an outstanding resource for diagnostic and treatment services for all eye health conditions, including uveitis. If you need to schedule a visit, reach out to the office by phone during normal business hours or request one online at any time. 

What causes uveitis?

Uveitis is a type of eye inflammation that is categorized according to the area of the eye where it develops. 

Swelling in the front portion of the eye is known as anterior uveitis, swelling in the middle area is called intermediate uveitis, and swelling in the rear portion of the eye is referred to as posterior uveitis. 

Researchers are unsure of the exact cause of uveitis. It’s believed a combination of factors can lead to this inflammation. Some conditions that might elevate your risk of developing uveitis include:

  • Systemic inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
  • Smoking
  • Infections like Lyme disease, shingles, or herpes simplex virus

Aside from refraining from smoking, there is little you can do to protect against developing uveitis. Scheduling routine eye exams is the best way to fully understand your eye health and identify issues in the earliest possible stages.  

How do I know if I have uveitis?

Uveitis symptoms can develop gradually over time. However, they most often arise quickly. If you notice any of the following changes, schedule a diagnostic exam right away:

  • Eye redness
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye pain
  • Dark spots that move across your field of vision (floaters)

Surgical intervention is sometimes the best course of action. A vitrectomy removes some of the vitreous in your eye. An implanted device can help by releasing corticosteroid medication over time. 

What are the next steps after a uveitis diagnosis?

Your treatment path is shaped by your specific symptoms and unique medical history. If you have an underlying condition that might be causing symptoms, treating that condition might be the first line of action. Antibiotics or antiviral medications might be recommended. 

Dr. Shaikh can also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pressure within the eye. These medications are often administered via injection. However, numbing drops can help keep you comfortable during the brief injection period. 

Surgical intervention is sometimes the best course of action. A vitrectomy works by removing some of the vitreous in your eye. An implanted device can help by releasing corticosteroid medication within your eye over a period of time. 

When you experience changes in your vision or other unusual symptoms, scheduling an exam is important. You can schedule a visit online or by phone in just a matter of moments, so don’t delay.